Trans Writes

Trans Writes

Add your lovely face to our wall to show you're an ally!

Add your lovely face to our wall to show you're an ally!

Get your MP on board with the GRA

Telling your MP directly is the best way to bring about important changes to the Gender Recognition Act. The more they hear from the community, and the more they hear about trans experiences in general, the likelier is it we will accomplish these much-needed changes.

We've added a template email below, but please personalise it before sending it off. Click on 'email tips' for a bit of help with what to add.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Share your personal experiences where you feel comfortable to do so, including the situation for trans people on the ground in your local constituency
  • Say why changes to the Gender Recognition Act would be so meaningful to you personally as a constituent and more widely for the the trans community
  • If you want to go further and meet your MP (and we would definitely recommend this if you feel up for it!), state that clearly. We have guidance around this on the Gendered Intelligence website here
  • Keep in mind MPs are, widely, not going to know a great deal about trans and non-binary experiences, so do keep it as simple as possible while telling a truthful and meaningful story